Ultranav media
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Ultranav news
Naviera Transoceanica announces new CEO
Naviera Transoceánica (Navitranso) announced new CEO. Navitranso is a globally recognised carrier of liquid cargo operating mainly along the Peruvian coast as well as on the west coast of South America. Navitranso offers maritime transportation service for crude oil,...
Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonisation
Ultranav joins the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonisation in urging world leaders to align shipping with the Paris Agreement temperature goal. The private sector is already taking important steps to decarbonise global supply chains. Now, governments must deliver...
Ultranav invests in drone company
Ultranav has decided to invest in a small drone startup company called Upteko. They are specialised in the maritime industry by developing a drone system solution to live on the ship or ashore, to connect port operations on the ground and at the sea, with insight from...